Monday, February 11, 2013



Prime is the best, she said, referring to meat–
the marbled fat external: to be devoured
and render the internal juicy-fruit accessible­–
as though she would never be spayed in a cage,
prodded to produce mammary novelties
for beefy beast-children, before her slaughter.

Avian spectators, proud to have devoured
the remains of our mother, appetite a cage
of alarming carnage and keyed with slaughter.
Yes, the keys are beaks and claws with novelties
like lungs and balls of eyes readily accessed
if you can fly to achieve rot: precious meat.

Oh, how silver wires cross the sky in a cage
pleasing her and I with visual novelties
of enslavement to the production of meat
while humans are equally accessible.
Of course, her burning blue eyes justly slaughter,
just as my fevered lips women’s meat devour.

Now she’s left; my memories are novelties:
alive, laid on fire, and too accessible.
I ought to be prime so I could be devoured
in pointillism, for section and slaughter.
Alas, I’ll be with vultures huffing for meat
escaped from hellish knives: fruit out of the cage.

Day kills competition accessible
to the cuisine I’ve found; someone’s slaughter.
As if insects obey the sunlight’s cage
and respect their moon-darkened meal of meat
rolled into shit by the time they’re devoured.
Dried, I sell them in bulk as novelties.

Alone, I’ll watch and wait for still-slaughter
like birthing without death: cycle of meat.
Where new nutrients are gored novelties
and emptied into my stream, once devoured.
Alone, I found round keys for a square cage
that made my mind’s blue waves accessible.

Together we devoured us, the novelties
of a cage of anonymity, accessible
to slaughter us if we’re the right cut of meat. 

-Grant Durando