Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Fall into Dreaming

I lay in the grass with a vision:

four trees in the corners of my space
their arms populating every periphery with foliage.
Gently swaying to drop beautiful dead gifts
for the ants running across my books and my arms.

I slept in the stillness and subtle motion of autumn
thinking of nothing but conversations that played
as though they had actually affected me.
Dry, locomotive words smearing my consciousness
like a rectangular eraser smears the artificial led.

A dream begins, but I’m unaware until it reaches

To clean my dirty arms and soothe my swollen neck
I shower avec mon ami,
wiping and washing until she fears her skin
            will rupture and flee her.

She stands two heads above me on a step
the water blurring my visage
like my conversations do.

Entrenched in my muddied perception,
clarity arrives
from the shine off of her dripping calves and thighs.

I see clearly enough to scale these heighths
the legs shudder, clap, and feel thrilled;
there exists an impending fall.

I awoke to her reluctance of my advance
smiling with the luck I’ve had
in clear, conceptual dreaming.

The rain brings red foliage to my bed
with more haste than before:
A thunderstorm has awakened my love of color.

-Grant Durando 

Alvin and the Nightmares

Squirrels are madmen
crocheting a nest to start a fire
if only to have an edifice to throw
granite into.

Marbleized glares of thrill, delight;
time turns you three into criminals.

Screams are useless
for your ears are too small. 

-Grant Durando

Excitement Curves Earthquake’s Architect of Mind

I am the architect of mind
tipping off structure, shaking.
Uncontrolled motion leads to profit.
I am the architect of mind.

Turtles can change from doves to sea monsters
swimming with gentle wings, flying with peace
or encroaching on the foamy curls of the sea
with blinding tail whips and silent strangulations.
Whose to say which I mean to signify
they’re all your monsters
            I’ve just introduced them.

I have my own demons and snakes that swim
sliding over my feet so I don’t feel them
until I’m snagged and trip over what seems to be
Snakes and turtles will send me to Hell.

-Grant Durando 